Until March 31, 2023 get an additional $1000 rebate from Fortis BC.

Reduce your operating costs and heating efficiency by making the switch to natural gas. Upgrade your home’s primary heating system to an eligible high-efficiency natural gas furnace (95% AFUE or higher) and claim up to $2,300 in rebates. Here’s how you can claim the offer:
- Apply for the rebate code by March 31, 2023
- Have your new furnace installed by June 30, 2023
- Apply to Fortis BC for the rebate within 90 days of the invoice date (no later than Sept. 30, 2023)
Get the full program details here
How much efficiency can you gain with a new furnace?
Most furnaces installed before 1990 are lower-efficiency models that average between 60 and 70 percent efficiency. Our high-efficiency gas furnaces range from 95 to 99 percent efficiency and come with warranties of up to 10 years. So if your furnace is nearing the end of its lifespan, an upgrade may be well worth the initial investment. Learn more about our furnace installations.
How does the cost of oil & propane compare to natural gas?
Visit the FortisBC website for a cost comparison of the average home in BC’s southern interior.
Interested in learning more about a furnace replacement? We’re a member of the FortisBC Trade Ally Network and can help you along the way. Contact us for a free estimate or click here to learn more about our furnace installations.
Have a section of your home not heated by your central air or interested in switching to a gas water heater? Ask us about additional rebates you may qualify for.